Thursday, September 18, 2008

The Odd Day Out (The Boring Life)

Not sure why I chose that title, but nothing else came to mind. I have been very busy this week, trying not to do anything. I feel tired and restless. My mind says do "EVERTHING" but my body says "NO". They are clearing a lot right across the street from us and i have had a whole week of hearing this highpitched whirl of the stump grinder and various other machines. It's kind of like a dentist drill sound and it is driving me crazy.
Logan is kicking his empty food dish across the floor and looking at me with hope in his eyes and now Bella is licking the bottom of said "empty" bowl. "Pause" while I fill the bowls. If you could see the looks I am getting from the two larger dogs you would laugh. Bella is happily eating out of Logan's dish and Susi is eating out of hers. Logan gave me a very pained look because he was hoping for something else I guess. Bella eats different food usually. she eats in my room, with the door shut and me standing guard. Not sure why she is so brave today. She will sometimes steal a crumb or two while the other dogs are not watching, but today she acts like his dish is hers and hers alone. If I put her a bowl of the same food down (dry) she won't touch. Logan just walked up and turned his nose up at his bowl. how exciting, right? Such is the life of boring "granny".