Saturday, October 4, 2008

We'll Leave a Light On

"SCREE-CHIRP" "SCREE-CHIRP" 'what?" zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. "SCREE-CHIRP" "SCREE-CHIRP" "WTF ?" zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
This is what was going on in my head at 5:25 this morning. My cell phone was trying to tell me it was dying a horrible death on my table. Great! So I get up, fumble to find it, and do I just cut it off. No! not me. I turned the light on and found the charger to plug it in. Then I realized it wasn't my new phone it was just my old one. Sheesh! So, now I am up on Saturday morning, at 5:OMG 30 . Needless to say I am not a happy camper. If you know me at all, you know once I am awake, I am NOT going back to sleep. But, when I walked outside to smoke my first cigarette of the day I was floored by the most beautiful sky. STARS ! EVERYWHERE! It was so beautiful. I had to stop and just stand in awe of GODS beautiful sky. Maybe that is what he wanted me to see. That no matter what is going on, or how bad we feel, that He is still there, watching over us. I wish Kim had seen them. She loves clear nights full of stars. It's 6:30 now and the sun is coming up. There is one little star left in the sky. It reminded me of the old commercial for Motel 6. "We'll leave a light on." A saying in some families. That means no matter what, no matter how late, you are always welcome home. To me it was kind of a sigh from GOD saying the same thing. No matter how far you roam HE will always leave a light on, so you can find your way home.


Connie said...

I get scared when my cell goes off in the middle of the night ~ it's never good news. Then you can never get back to sleep and it's too late for a Lunesta ~ UGH!