Thursday, October 2, 2008

It is, what it is

Good morning. It is Thursday, and brrrrrrrrrr, it's chilly outside. The temperature last night here was 49. Lowest it has been here since last year. My daughter and her loving husband got home from their trip Tuesday. They had a great time in Washington, but they were sure glad to be home. I am being serenaded this morning by Logan. He is barking because the other two dogs are playing. It is their morning ritual. Go outside, come back in here, and play under my chair while I am trying to type. This playing makes him jealous and he barks this head splitting bark at them till I scream. Like I said, "morning ritual". Hurray! my coffee is ready. Must have it! Talk among yourselves, I will be right back. Mmmmmmmmmm! AHhhhhhhhhhh! Coffee. Is there nothing better in the morning. Well i could think of a few things. but I still have to have my first cup in me.
I had a doctors appointment yesterday. I had a swollen elbow from a fall I took way back in May. Not broken, just bruised. But the swelling never went away. So I had one skinny elbow and one fat one. While visiting with my sister last month I whacked in on a corner wall. It swelled up and wouldn't go down. To make a long story short (TO LATE), I had to have fluid drained. Sounds horrible I know. It really was very uneventful though. A little numbing medicine and the procedure began. Felt a little discomfort and expressed it with an OWee. All in all a successful procedure.
So this morning I am sitting here typing as fast as I can. No pain or even a twinge. Bella-bee is demanding to be fed, so I must go. Ta TA for now. Not to be mistaken with Tatas, which are a whole completely different subject altogether.