Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Trashy Tuesday

Well here we are again on trash day. It's the same day every week, four times a month, 12 months a year. I hate it just as much today as I did last week. I don't hate the day itself, just taking out the trash. I don't hate getting trash out of the house either, I just hate trash. We collect trash from various parts of the house and deposit it into a large can and roll it to the street. What could be more simple you ask? Just the fact that I always miss something I wanted to throw away every week. After the trash men are gone, I always find something I wanted to throw away.
It's the same way when I am doing dishes. I can search the house over for all the cups, glasses, and other things I leave sitting here and there. I pop everything in the dishwasher and start her up. Not 5 minutes into the cycle I find somethig that should have been put in. I am really bad at losing my latest cup of coffee, or drink, I search in vain, but never remember where I left it, Sooo, I finally give up and just make me another drink.
I am sitting here, waiting for the notion to hit me and I will collect all the trash and take it to the curb. But I promise you, as soon as the trash men pull away, I will find something that should have gone


Jill said...

Well your trash day made my day! I had a good laugh. It's amazing what people come up with to blog about...and to think a simple thing like stinky trash can make us laugh!
Thanks...and have a wonderful day.
I hope your sister is doing okay!

Connie said...

Our 'trash' morning is Thursday. I can never get up in time to beat 'em so Wednesday nights I take the long march down the driveway. This week it was raining ... yeah that was fun. Not.