Wednesday, July 16, 2008


Took the dogs out for their daily constitutional Monday afternoon, and everything was going as planned. I was standing on the lower deck watching the dogs sniff the ground looking for that perfect spot. Login was very interested in a spot near the deck and started acting very excited. Susi decided that it was interesting enough to join him. All of a sudden I hear a very loud hiss coming from under the deck. I shouted for Am to come out because I knew we had a cat under the deck. Bella who is the smallest of the three decided to try to go under the deck and I was holding her. Am finally got the two larger dogs inside after pulling Susi bodily from under deck. She could not go under all the way because of her size. Then the cat started meowing in ernest. After searching for a hoe to pry the trap door up Am and I saw a ginger colored cat sitting just inside the opening of the house. We decided to put food down to lure her out. She would only come as far as the opening and then dart back when we tried to reach for her. I know, I know, I know, NEVER FEED A stray animal. But in all fairness we were trying to get her out from under the house. Her reluctance to leave made us think she may have kittens under the house. We put down water and she layed down just inside the entrance and waited. I went out every now and then to see if she had jumped out. No luck. She sat there looking at me with very sleepy eyes. Like it had been a long time since she had had any rest. (Another reason I thought she may have kittens) I told her to go ahead and sleep I had her back, nothing would hurt her while she slept. She looked at me as if to say "Oh, thank you" and promptly fell asleep. I had already dubbed her "Babycakes" by this time. I know, I know, I know, NEVER NAME a stray. R finally got home from work and crawled under the house to see if he could find said kittens. No luck. We retired for the night thinking she would be gone by morning. NOPE. which rhymes with DOPE I know. ANYWAY! Later on that night I took the dogs out for last call and she was out and promptly jumped the fence out of the yard. I thought GOOD! she will go home now. NOT! She was there yesterday morning in all her glory, sitting in the hole of the trap door again. As a last resort last night after the dogs had made her jump the fence again, (They only want to play with her. They love cats and dogs of all kinds.) R put the metal door back up going under the house. Case closed. Now she will go away. Wrong! She is back this morning, under the deck, crying again. Guess we are going to have to call the dreaded "animal control" to catch her. She cannot live under our deck. The dogs go crazy every time I let them out. So with a sad heart I contemplate what to do next. I would love to keep her, even if it is outside, but our pets have to come first. Anybody want a loving, pretty, ginger cat? We do not have a "NO KILL" animal shelter here.


Kimi said...

Awwww...I want her!