Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Terrible Two's

OK he's done it now. He has pissed of the cat, gotten yelled at by his Mom and his Dad, alienated his sister and his aunt. Smiled at his grandma (ME) and fussed at me because he wants to play and NO ONE will play with him. He has finally given up and is laying in the floor pouting as I write this. He was so happy to see his Grandma, aunt, and his cousins this morning. He has been bouncing off the walls ever since. Playing has been his main goal, and after a lunch of pizza that he was not allowed to eat (health issues) he has tried unsuccessfully to get someone in this house to play. I was his last hope and here I was on the computer. I will stop blogging now so I can play with the little darling. Who am I speaking of? Why, Login, my fur grand baby. He has some age on him and he is not allowed to eat "real" food. Grandma has spoiled him since his Dad has been in Iraq and now he is paying the price. "BAD GRANDMA"! We will play tug rope, with him pulling me bodily across the floor because he is stronger than me. But that is ok, I love him and I will survive.


leezee52 said...

What a sweetheart!!

Lori said...

What fun! Have a good time spoiling that fur baby, as a Grandma it's your duty!


ha!funny post. You sound like a good "grandma!"

Jill said...

Okay "Bad Gramma" I hope you had lots of fun.....sounds like you did though.
Anyway just wanted to stop by and wish you a "Happy July 4th" We celebrated Canada day here on July 1st. Have a wonderful day celebrating with your family. :)

Lori said...

Spoil him, it's your duty as a Grandma!

Anonymous said...

Oh, you didn't have to tell ME that it was a furbaby calling your name....I knew.

Just dropping in as a first time visitor. I saw your age. Saw that you love furbabies, and thought: WOW. FOUND ANOTHER ONE LIKE ME!!!

Anonymous said...

I live next door to Louisville, KY. Maybe you're heard of New Albany, Indiana?

Caroline said...

I found you through the Life is Good blog. Login sounds just like my German Sheppard, Anja---she loves tug-of-war! I need to play with her more--she keeps flopping the toy on my lap when I type. We rescued another dog, so she now she has to share the spotlight. But we spoil our dogs around here--I wouldn't be the same w/o them.

wendy said...

My dog hates when I ignore her for the computer. She will walk in and put her head on my leg and look up at me with those brown sappy eyes! You're a good Grandmommy to that fur baby! :)