Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Lost In Space

Yep! That's were I have been lately. I have been on line. I have read all comments and blogs that I usually read. I have even commented on some of them. but as far as posting I am at a loss for words. My usual banter has forsaken me this week. I don't really have a lot on my mind, its just empty or so full I have brain lock. Not sure which. My oldest sister is facing surgery this week and I am anxious about that. Everyone here is fine. So, I don't know what is causing this melodically feeling. Babycakes is still here. I am trying to get him use to people so he has a better chance of being adopted. It's not working out to well. I guess that bothers me some. But all in all no drama, no stress, no fears. Maybe that is what is wrong. LOL To good of a life.


Shauna said...

Thanks for your encouragement! I know that things will get better! I think that is the only thing that CAN happen...right?!?! :) Have a great day!