Thursday, July 17, 2008

Saturday Night, Scary Movies, and Four Girls

Picture this if you will. Four girls, various ages, huddled in front of a black and white tv, watching scary movies on Saturday night. The light are turned off. The only way to watch scary movies. The house is quite. No one else is awake. A big, huge bowl of pop corn sitting in the oldest girls lap to be shared by all. It's the movie about bats flying from behind and biting people and then they become a dreaded vampire. The heroine of the movie was walking alone, (stupid girl) down a dark street in the dead of night. They are all hunched over watching the screen with bated breath. They know she is going to get bitten. The camera's have already shown the bat flying around and around her waiting to strike. He dives for her. Out of thin air comes a blood curdling scream and a bowl of flying pop corn raining down. All of us scream and duck too. It seems my sister had gotten hit in the back of the head by our canary "Tweedy" at the exact moment the bat struck the girl on tv. Mom and Dad came running to see what was killing their daughters and it was the funniest sight I have ever seen. Pop corn lay everywhere, we were scared out of our wits, and Mom and Dad were very confused. Tweedy had a trick of getting out of his cage, flying up to the curtain rod and then dive bombing us kids when we passed. He picked the perfect moment to dive bomb Joyce. I still say he knew just exactly what he was doing, and had planned his flight with perfection. No one can tell me any different.


Bottles Barbies And Boys said...

LOL! That would warrant nightmares for a long time!

Kimi said...

LMAO Oh my god, I am crying with laughter. I tried to tell the story to John and Tina and I laughed alllll the way through.

Jill said...

That's a great way to spend a Saturday night. It sounds like you are having lots of fun lately,lol.I had a good laugh with this that was quite the sight to see the popcorn fly.....