Sunday, June 15, 2008


Today being Father's Day I am reminded of my own father. A very strict man, with a heart of gold and a hand of steel. Most of our "whuppins' were given to us by our mother, but we recieved some in our life from him. I have a mixture of memories of my father, some good and some bad. Mostly good. He was a hard working man, working most of the time sun up to sun down to provide for us. I remember Friday night wrestling, and Saturday morning shows like "Sky King". Saturday night shows of Gunsmoke, Mayberry RFD. Never did know what RFD stood for and still don't. Lawrence Welk, and so many others. Most Sunday's we would have a wonderful Lunch or Dinner as some people call it, of fried chicken, greenbeans, home made biscuits so good you would fight your sisters and brothers for the last one. Served with milk gravy so smooth and delicious you thought you had died and gone to heaven. My MOM was a wonderful cook and could feed an army from her loving hands at a moments notice. Most times we had a garden and plenty of meat in the freezer. Life was simple, and the food was great. Filling our bellies with love and our hearts with the knowledge that we were loved by our parents. I don't think a lot of kids have that anymore. Do they know they are loved by their parents and family? Do they have responibilites given to them? Tasks to complete, to show they are trusted and appreciated? Maybe that is part of what is causing the unrest of the youth today. Not knowing where they stand in the family circle. One can only wonder.


Candid Carrie said...

Thought provoking.

Jill said...

Ditto on the last part of your blog.I know so many of the children don't know where they fit into the family unit anymore. I was just talking to my son about that tonight as his daughter wants to come and live with him as her mother doesn't spend much time doing things with her.Sure glad I grew up in the years where life was much simpler.
Hope things are getting better for you!

Kimi said...

Nanny was so wonderful, just as you are. I wish I could remember pawpaw as you do. I only remember sucha few moments and that makes me sad.