Friday, June 27, 2008

Frumpy Friday

Good Morning! It is now 5:45 AM. I have been awake since around 4:30. Woke up to nature's call and could not go back to sleep. I tried, trust me. Just as I was about to go back to sleep I felt the earth moving under me. Then I figured out it was my bed shaking and not the earth. Susi had decided at that precise moment to scratch her backside on the foot of my bed. I raised up and told her to stop. Being the loving dog that she is, she payed me no mind and continued to scratch. LOL If she were a smaller dog I probably would not have even noticed, but she weighs probably 50 pounds. When she has an itch it will be scratched by someone or something. She has been known to move deck chairs and dining room chairs around the room in her quest for the scratching. So, here I am, sitting at the computer reading my fav. blogs and posting this.
My son and daughter have blogs also, but you couldn't tell, they have not blogged lately. My son-in-law is taking a few weeks of leave and when he is home my daughter falls off the radar. You would think they were on a secret mission or something. But, maybe they are. Trying to find the family unit, and reconnect to each other. She has been having a marathon of watching old episodes of "Sex In The City" in order to go see the movie with a friend. She had never seen it before. Now I am afraid she is hooked on it. LOL BTW, everyone congratulate her on her NEW JOB she acquired yesterday. They hired her on the spot. You know that did wonders for her self-esteem. She had not been able to find a job that worked around her life style of being a mother and wife. She had been working part time and loved it. But "Mr REAL LIFE" reared his ugly head with his demands for more financial security and growing electric, gas, and food bills. So now she is a full time member of the work force again.
My son just started his blog after his return for Iraq. He has been trying to readjust to normal life for the last month. It hasn't been easy for him. But he will be fine. I know this in my "Mother's" heart. It will just take time and prayers. He has a lot of family and friends close to him and all he has to do is know that we love him and will be there for him.
The sun has finally come up, well its been up for at least an hour. I am tired now, but I won't sleep again till later I am just thankful that I have my son home. My daughter and her family are close and all is right in my world again.


leezee52 said...

Hello 50+ gal me too.
Thanks for the beautiful comment about my Daughter and her Toyota commercial. Her part was filmed in 1/2 hr not bad making money that some people don't see in a year. We are hoping they will be the commercial back..we'll see.
Take care,
Lee...soon to be 56 year

wolfqueen2 said...

She willl go far. Come back and visit anytime.

Anonymous said...

I often do that...get up to go to the bathroom and then can't go back to's annoying is what it is! Usually I go to work at 3:00am so that I can come back and be with my children during the I think my ability to sleep in has vanished! :)

debi9kids said...

Thank you so much for your lovely comments on my blog. Please come by an visit any time you like.
Congratulations to your daughter & her new job and very happy to hear that your SIL returned safely from Iraq. Please thank him from the bottom of my heart for serving our country. (my family is full of military, inclusing my brother who is now stationed in Utah after spending 4 years in Turkey)
:) Debi

Unknown said...

Bless your heart! Seems like you have a lot to think and worry about. I hate that your daughter had to go back to work full time. Your son-in-law will be fine too. I haven't been to Iraq YET, but I know that if and when I do go, I will be PRAYING!!!

Mom In Progress said...

Hi! Saw your comment on my blog and when I went to check yours my Doc and I lauged and laughed at where you were from! I love the name of that town...whenever we used to drive through we'd say it over and over cuz it cracks me up but it really is a cute little place. Glad all is well right now with your family and yes coming back (from Iraq) is hard but time to enjoy normalcy will put everything right. AND there is no better time of year than summer for that to be true.

elexisb said...

I found you! It wasn't easy, I'll tell you. Get your son to show you how to post your link! When you make a comment on another blog, start using your link so readers of your comments can get to your blog.

Glad your son is back from Iraq - that's awesome! Thank him from me for taking good care of us. I'll be back to visit you :)

wolfqueen2 said...

I have comments! Ihave comments! Thank all of you and yes. I will return to your blogs. I am staying at my daughter to watch the boysthis week until she can get daycare in place.