Saturday, June 21, 2008

Screaming Saturday

"I'm Up! I'm Up! I'm Up!" The very first words out of my mouth this morning!!! Picture this. You are sleeping so GOOD. Then you are half awake. You feel a nudge on your hand that you try to ignore. "No I don't want to get up yet!" To Late! Now your bladder is awake. It twinges letting you know you have only a few seconds to respond. Then here comes a full on assault to the hands. As you pull away the teeth and wiggly body follows. It's "BELLA", the early riser. I am talking 6:30 every morning. I am not sure if She wakes me up first or I wake her up by moving. Sometimes when I am half asleep, I can feel her watching and waiting for the first movement to signal her that I am alive. Either way, "SHE" will not be deterred. Out she wants, and out she will get, or I will suffer the consequences. She will go as far as waking the other dogs up and they will dance around me and on me till I get up. "SHE" has her ways, I promise you. So, a quick dash down the stairs to let them out, backtrack to downstairs bathroom to make my now screaming bladder shut up, and my day has begun. Grab my first cigarette of the day and out the door I go. Now on to bigger and better things. A fresh pot of coffee, that I cannot wait for (so I let just enough brew in the pot for a half a cup) and the second cigarette of the day. MMMMMMMMMMMMM good. fresh coffee and a cigarette... So, as I hack my left lung out I enjoy this danger to my life. I have decided to try to quit today. My daughter quit yesterday and if I am to show support, I must too. It has been I hour and 26 minutes since my last draw of the poison and I want one bad!!! So stay tuned to this channel and see if i make it. SUPPORT IS NEEDED AND GREATLY APPRECIATED. PEP TALKS MIGHT HELP. So please tell me I can do this. Tell me how important my lungs are to me. Tell me anything, just help!!!