Friday, May 9, 2008

World of Pain

OK. I am in a world of pain because:
I fell down the stairs night before last and landed on my butt.
Funny right?
To bad I didn't have a video camera at the bottom of the stairs. I could have made millions.
Soooo, after several hours in ER I was sent home with a broken tail bone, sprained neck and a swollen elbow. Pumped full on morphine, I was a sight to see, and listen to I am told. I passed out right after we left the ER. Woke up with my hand in a McDonald's bag, eating a sausage biscuit . Which isn't strange in itself except I was tearing off pieces of biscuit and putting them in my mouth. The funny part is, I never chewed it or swallowed it. When we got home I had a mouth full of biscuit and a diet Coke in my hand. I had to spit the biscuit out because my mouth was so dry I could not even swallow with the help of the Coke. My poor daughter-in-law (daughter of my heart) got me home safely and upstairs to my bed. Next morning I found the aforementioned biscuit still in the bag, uneaten. I guess she figured I wasn't in any shape to eat when I got here.
Bless her heart, I don't know what I would do with out her. We really didn't know each other that well when I came here to live, but now you cannot separate us with a crowbar. I would gladly lay down my life for her.
Anyway, to day I am in pain from my head to my toes. I am getting ready to take the dreaded pain pills and muscle relaxers they have prescribed. Ta Ta for now.