Monday, May 5, 2008

Blue Monday

Monday, Monday. Not feeling great this morning. Went to a birthday/block party yesterday. It was a beautiful day. Everyone had a great time. The "Birthday Boy" of 70 was indeed surprised, and the kids were all cute and adorable. I had a great time, met a lot of new people, played with the babies and promply ate to much. It felt good to get home and veg. This morning I am sore in places I forgot I had. LOL The dogs (Bella Login, and Susi) did not appreciate being in the house all afternoon and let us know about it as soon as we got home. Today I have the honor of waiting on the "Sears" repairman all day. He is coming to officially approve our defunked washer from "Sears" for a new one. The last repairman can not simply say, "Yes, I checked it and if it breaks again we need to replace it." NO! That would be to easy. We have been without a washer for 2 months now. Every time we call "Sears" its a two week wait. So today is suppose to be the day. So even though I detest "Sears" I must remove the litter box from the laundry room for the sake of the nice repair man.


Kimi said...

How did the repair go?

wolfqueen2 said...

you already know. lol but I love you for commenting anyway.

Jill said...

So now do you have to do 2 months worth of wash?...just kidding,lol.Oh and I hope he was a really cute repairman after having to spend the day at home waiting.
I am kind of in a funny mood today, must be the lack of sleep.
Thanks so much for all the comments you leave me and I enjoy coming to your site. Glad we found each others.

wolfqueen2 said...

i rediscovered a place clled a laundry mat. Its right out in town. I havve driven by it many times in the last 40 years. LOL I asn't even sure where it was. The prices have sky rocketed, since I had to grace its inner santum. It ended up costing us somewher around 45.00 if you count washing and drying. We didn't even have any quilts or blankets. We had kept putting it off and washing just what we needed at my daughters house. it was horrible. Alas he was not cute at all, but he sure was nice and gave us an authorization for a new one. So I could forgive his uncuteness for that. I am glad we found each other too.